Writing Wings For You

Marie Lukasik Wallace ~ # I LIVE Poetry – I'm passionate about life and writing and all things creative and poetic!


My Lovelies Sunflowers and Daisies


photo by Marie Lukasik Wallace  – all rights reserved 2016daisies

Daisies photo by Marie Lukasik Wallace – All rights reserved 2016

My Lovelies
Sunflowers and Daisies

By Marie Lukasik Wallace

Heart centered lovelies
Lovely arms flung open wide
Open to give to their tippy tips
Open to receive deeply
Being and flinging

Ahhh…we have so much to learn from these lovelies.

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Poets for Peace – The Wonder of It All

We have a Poets for Peace project going, and this poem is from a friend of mine, Gloria Escobedo Delgado.  Enjoy.

The wonder of it all

Upon arrival we walk to our favorite spot
As we have done so many times before
The sun with all its glory soon fades away
In its place black clouds come creeping in.
As if on a mission they’ve blown in overhead quietly and unnoticed
Instantly the sky is covered in night
In the distance shadows and sprinkles of twinkling lights
Stars, above all around then one by itself strong and bright
Some in formation as if at attention
Others – hundreds, the likeness of many loose diamonds
Delicately shimmering so very distant – lifetimes away

Before me is water as far as the eye can see
An ocean so vast so big so proud with its mighty waves
The water seems to go on forever

until into the bottom of the sky it respectfully tucks in its skirts

Choppy waves clap and flap then away they rush again
It is a windy night
The smell of salt water in the air
Out goes the shrimp clinging tightly to the hook
Destined for the perfect catch
Hello Mr. Sand trout
A golden beauty up late!
The seagull flutters by laughing dipping but not finding
He wont give up though
He knows all too well that soon he’ll get his.
Upon a happenstance I look up

What is it moving so quickly barely catching my eye
Oh wow a shooting star!
Look, darling! A shooting star!
O wait- its gone
how quickly it vanished almost as a vapor.
Then I ponder on all this beauty.
And think of the whole world of beautiful places I’ve yet to see
Alas many lifetimes could not suffice!
Looking around busied bodies about their business
Can it be true no one stops to take in the beauty
Then I wonder if per chance a person might say
That all these elements just happened per chance
Burning embers landing somewhere through flight?
In no way could one thus say!
Wait!!! Look up, look around for the very things of this earth
They testify of a Creator.
Alas, alas to no avail
No one cares to seek, to find, to know

So much beauty in life and still the word resounds in my head
The fool has said in his heart there is no God.

Awake to life, get to know the Creator, enjoy His creation

and the wonder of it all.


Rockabye – Poets for Peace

Rockabye baby

When the wind blows

It brings messages of hate

Don’t listen my baby; don’t listen
Rockabye baby

When the wind blows

it touches with dark shadows

Don’t touch my baby; don’t touch

Rockabye baby
When the wind blows

It brings the taste of innocent blood spilled

Don’t taste my baby; don’t taste

Rockabye baby
When the wind blows

It brings the sight of

Flags waving at half mast

Acknowledge, but don’t linger your gaze my baby; don’t linger.
Please don’t hold on to any of these messages

Because the real world isn’t really all this negativity and darkness.

The real world, my baby, is so much more

Than the feedback from the news or the people enamored with it.
When the bough breaks

It is you my baby who will make

The difference

It is you who can change it.
Bring your sweetness

Bring your joy

Bring your positivity

And radiate your messages
Of love and hope

Out into the world.

Be you my baby

Be you


As a mom and a new grandmother, peace is heavy on my mind.  I KNOW words matter, and how we respond to negativity matters.   I choose peace.

Neha at Forgotten Meadows  and Michael at The Poetry Channel  have put together a Poets for Peace project collaborating poets around the world.  Please add you voice!


Hop Up on Your Unicorn & Ride on Out of There!

I had a terrible nightmare about snakes.  They were writhing in and out of my space. Honestly, they weren’t very big at all. But their presence in MY space was unwelcomed and evil, especially since it was dark, and one of them was poised ready to strike.

Honestly, I don’t remember much else about the dream except that my husband had to shake me awake.  When i told him what my dream was about, he said, “Well, hop up on your unicorn and ride on out of there!”   Suddenly, I couldn’t think of anything else except the unicorn, which was a grand thing because no longer was this evil presence able to hold on to me, and I was able to get back to sleep much easier.

Then, as I contemplated my day yesterday, and a few things got tougher than usual,  i thought back to the unicorn scenario.  What if I took this approach to difficult situations?  I know life comes in cycles, highs and lows, and  there will be snakes in my life.  What if I redirect my thinking, reframe the situation, and think of something different which is not as scary, or creepy, or tough?

Moral of the story:  When life gets tough,..hop up on your unicorn and ride on out of there!

ENJOY your day!



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The Beauty of India – the Soulful Women

One of the most moving portions of my trip was engaging with the people of India.  When they look into your eyes, they see your soul.  They don’t glance away.  They look deeper.  There is a genuine desire to “know” you and honor the divine in you, thus where the word Namaste comes from.

As part of SHEROES United, I got the privilege to go into the Himalayas and bring Humanitarian relief.  But honestly, visiting them, I got humanitarian relief.  Relief that there are still such genuine, kind, loving people in the world.  These are people who are gracious and grateful for the smallest of blessings.

After we spent time with the children (a beautiful earlier post), we received the beautiful blessing of meeting the moms of the kids, plus other women who had heard of our arrival.

Our wonderful Drum Goddess, Katie Jo, pulled out her drums and then we were  off to an adventure of bringing the beauty of sound to the village women.  One woman would strike the drum with a small stroke, and Katie Jo would encourage them to strike it hard.  The sound then filled the room and soon the dancing broke out, and we saw the women’s hearts soar with the beats.  What a wonderful sight to see these women laughing and dancing with so much joy.  We gave the drum to the grandmother who really encouraged  all to dance.  But the most beautiful sight of all  was when I looked to the back of the room to the faces of the sons and grandsons of the woman who had witnessed their moms and grandmothers dancing in spirit.  What a sight to see!

I will forever be changed getting the honor and privilege of being a part of watching spirits soar.

(p.s.  The last picture is one of our drivers…look at the GRIN! The power of the drums is evident on their faces.)



Soul Quest -India

india at the schoolsIndia was a spiritual buffet, a great feast for the soul.  There were so many new tastes and smells and sounds and heart tuggings in one space.  One must venture out of their own back yard often.

Where to begin?  Ahhh, that is a most spicy question with so many answers! There is so much to say and only so much time to write.  I’ll start with my favorite and let the words pour from my soul.  There is enough juicy material for a very long time.  Our group started the adventure as a way to work on our books, to experience and support one another.   We ended up writing new chapters in our own life stories…One of our goals was to meet the children in the Himalayas and bring supplies to the homes of the people.

Upon first sight, I fell in love.  There is so much GOLD in the SOULS of the children. Their hearts are so tender an and full of hope.  Their thoughts are on what they have, not what they lack.  The first thing they did was sing a song of “We Shall Overcome.”  The sweet sounds of innocent voices aware of their situations but not letting it hold them down was uplifting and even enlightening.  Their music sounded like an angels choir.  Nothing is sweeter to my ears than the sounds of children gathering to sing.  My heart was full.  Then they sang their national anthem, while a young man full of passion and vigor beat a drum in accompaniment.  When the children heard the drums, their smiles grew wide and they belted the song even more.  After the song, each of the children got to beat the drum.  Sound is a powerful, soul changing tool.  I watched in amazement as each child first did a light tap on the drum, and then a strong beat that bellowed a big sound.  BOOM! I witnessed the empowerment that the drum sound gave to each child.  A shy, timid, young girl sat taller in her chair that day.

Then I was so blessed to teach them a hand game learning patterns and rhythms.  Kids love these games, and I was reminded of my love for “playing” with the children…sometimes forgotten in a public education back in the states because of rigorous curriculum.  The teachers were gracious to give us their time, and the head master said one of the first things he wanted to do was buy a drum for the children.  They were elated!   There was much gratitude as we passed out the stickers and books we had brought.  For them, it was like Christmas.  I was in deep gratitude knowing that the gently used books I brought would be cherished, and we had not only made a small contribution toward their education, but we brought smiles and built a bridge.

  I LOVE PEOPLE!!!  (especially children…yes, I’ll always be a teacher at heart…and I will be forever changed.)    Namaste.  Mariemarie in sari







Made of wire.Blow the picture up to see up close!


Office ornament


Discover Center tunnel made of tape!


Hello My Daddy

Good morning my daddy.   On the anniversary of your death, I write this to you in honor of the poem we got to write together.  I remember how excited I was about finding a way we could talk and share more intimately through a mode you loved best.  I couldn’t wait to write more poems with you.  Later that week, you had your stroke.

I love this picture.  Carole calls it the goodbye picture…but today, it’s the Hello My Daddy picture.  Heard your EMS sirens today…so I know you’re awake.  I love you.daddy and me      20160301_072054_resized


I remember when you were just a vault…no affection…little talking…always about you.

I remember the first time I asked you if you could do the Father’s Legacy project.  You were apprehensive, but you said, “I could probably do that.”

I remember asking the first question and held my breath for the answer.  It was a simple question like “What is your favorite color?”  You answered two questions that day.

I remember when you would peak over my shoulder to make sure the questions I asked were in the book.  We were building trust.

I remember the first time you were vulnerable and told me your angel story.  This time you held your breath, until I said, “I believe in angels too Daddy.”   I felt your sigh of relief as your story, held in for about sixty years, was believed for the first time.

I remember coming to visit you in the summers as you told me about all the junk in your junkyard and learning why they were your treasures and realizing you were an artist like me.

I remember our last summer together savoring every detail….getting lost with you and loving every minute.  Our last Father’s day, making it special with a sheet for a table cloth and wild sunflowers from your backyard. It was so special that I will always remember it, but you couldn’t remember it the next day.

I remember writing this “I remember poem with you”

and then it all went black…and there was no more remembering.








Boise SHEROES United-One Billion Rising

one billion rising finger boise capitol.JPG

SHEROES United image

Around Valentine’s day, all over the world, people danced for justice, building awareness of the  rise of violence of women.  One in three women will be beaten or raped in her lifetime, equaling ONE BILLION women in the world.

According to the Huffington Post:

 4,774,000 women experience violence from an intimate partner                   every year

   10,000, 000 children are exposed to violence every year (too many)

Dancing is a non-violent protest. It was an honor to be with these women, collaborating groups and dancing together, encouraging each other to speak our truths.

          This day we danced for Joy and for the beauty of life.

          This day we danced for JUSTICE.

           This day we danced to HAVE OUR VOICES HEARD,                                                                 some for the first time.

           This day we danced even for women we didn’t know because we had              WITNESSED  INJUSTICE & WANTED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT  IT.

It was the first time we  came together as part of SHEROES United, originating out of Utah, now staring a chapter here in Boise.  Also, the beautiful  Boise Braveheart Women came to dance with us.  Sisterhood is a blessed thing.

Won’t you join us.  Won’t you rise?

Let’s build a WORLD OF PEACE.





Tuesdays of Texture – McCall Winter Carnival

Do you like snow fun, art in the way of ice sculptures, parades and small town festivals?  Then, McCall, Idaho Winter Carnival is the place to be.  This year many of the sculptures lost a lot of detail because the snow melted.  But you can do a search in Google under McCall Winter Carnival to see past sculptures.  Some of the sculptures you can walk through!

I didn’t get a lot of sculpture pictures from this year…but here are a few of my favorites.

And for more textures of the week around the world, visit Narami.

This is how I LIVE POETRY…noticing things throughout the week.  How have you lived poetry this week?


imageThe Jetsons   :0)   Looks cool at night, don’t ya think?

imageTTimageIcy treasures.  Love this!


The new Star wars…sad some of the great details melted.