Writing Wings For You

Marie Lukasik Wallace ~ # I LIVE Poetry – I'm passionate about life and writing and all things creative and poetic!

The World Needs – Poetry Collaboration! & 100th Post




Today is August 1st, new beginnings.  for a brandy new month, my 100th POST!  I was inspired with these words from a poem by Micheline,Jean Louis and she agreed to start us off!   We are going to go with the anaphora (repeating phrase) as well.  It keeps the message thriving!!!  Happy writing.

The World Needs

Forgiveness,from all of us to become habitable for all walk of life.

The world needs
Child-like wonder
Pure Joy
Acceptance of one another
And their humanness.

The world needs YOU!

the world needs


small birds
that sit in teacups
kettle drums
with occasional hiccups
friendly spiders
and long-leggity beasties
times of wonder
free and easy

the world needs computers
to aid in our building
invisible bridges
to faraway countries
sheep with their legs
one at each corner
and cows that stand up
to tell us it’s warmer

the world needs our loving
and people forgiving
laughter to flow out
in healing believing
dreams to come true
under stars safe our nights
and days where we learn
to make friends not fight

and now most of all
the world needs our time
to notice to care
when we’re doing just fine
to reach out a hand
sit on the grass
have patience to learn
ways of beetle and wasp

the world needs koalas
cute grinning from trees
fluffy-head thistles
kind old dock leaves
wolves to sing home again
in joy rain or sunny
and bear to gurr happiness
with nosefuls of honey

the world needs stories
to tell and to grow
adventurers wild
and those who stay home
in fire and earth
ocean and storm
what the world needs always
is everyone to care.

The World Needs:

Teaches my heart that All is Possible,
All is Ready Standing, Waiting upon my own Acceptance,
My own Belief, my own Unfettering Faith
To Set Free the wheels of the universe
And Create my Heart’s Desire;
Yet in this dark and weary place,
Where fear crushes dreams
And doubt hangs hopes,
What is Remarkably Possible if often considered improbable,
And Faith sits down in the shadows, her hands tied.
The slippery slope of lost Hope
Dashes Charisma against the rocks and shakes Vigor to the core;
Compressing Life to only what is seen, felt, heard.
Lost are the Whispers,
Lost are the Potent Promises that Move Mountains,
Lost are the Smiles of Satisfaction and Purpose.
Still, even in this dark place, where Angels wait, muted by skepticism;
When all is clouded o’re and dim,
One Word shall Lift the Indomitable Spirit,
One Affirmation will Raise the Irrepressible Soul;
Shattering cynicism, Collapsing disbelief,
And Building Bridges to the Unimagined.

The World Needs


The world needs…

Less of angry hatred,
More of souls kindred.

Less of endless strife,
More of boundless life.

Less of senseless war
More of doors left ajar.

Less of promises broken
More of hearts awoken.

Less of fallen trees
More of greener glees.

The world needs …
Warm hands…
and warmer hearts
The world needs
Broad minds
and broader thoughts.

The world needs
Each one of us.

The world needs . . .

People who see each other with eyes that are unbiased.

 The world needs . . .

People who listen to each other with hearts that are open.

The world needs . . .

People who speak to each other with words that are kind.

The world needs . . .

People who embrace each other with arms that are gentle.

The world needs . . .

People who are not afraid to hope for a better tomorrow.

The world needs . . .

People who can love and be loved in return.

The world needs . . .

People who are willing to do all these things TOGETHER.


The world needs nothing…. but a soul awakening,
All we need is bonding and strengthening.

We need to love each other and spread the message,
Let’s embrace Humanity and shun the ego baggage.

We have enough of everything in this world,
But Alas! Nobody is contented with what earned.

This is the time to make right choices,
Serve the needy, join hands and raise voices.

Reconnect with nature, serve the Nation,
Say yes to organic and no to imitation.

Yes to sustainability and no to destruction,
A promise for integrity and no corruption.

This world needs to be a better place for you and me,
Having no place for weapons, all very well for a spree.

Curb material-driven goals to make life hassle free,
Where spirit is high and soul will be free!!!

Courage and a cheerful smile,
Kind hearts that go the extra mile.

Beauty in the human heart
Reflected in our work and art

Vision to prize higher goals,
Love purity and long lost souls.

Minds that will meet you more than half,
A good old-fashioned belly laugh.

Hope when we hang on the edge of a funnel
Light at the end of the darkest tunnel

The helping hand to pull us out,
Forgive, restore, remove our doubt

Triumphal music of the spheres
To melt away the hurtful years

Courage to conquer Giant Despair
And reflect God’s goodness everywhere.


What do you think the world needs?

Just as before, you can add your contribution in the comment section of this poem,  & I will place them in the order they come. I will put your name (contributor)  at the end of the piece in the same color as your contribution and the names will be in the same order as well.  Happy writing!

Collaborators:  Micheline Jean Louis, Me, Phoenix Tears Healed/With Eagles Float – Wren, Morgan – BooknVolume, Elziabeth – TeaandpaperRipples N Reflections, Cindy -from a Slice of Life, Soul n SpiritSherry – My Tea and Poetry

Author: writingwingsforyou

Words are powerful and hold the keys to bring healing, play and joy, making life extrordinary. Words can also shift the world into a better place. I am a writer; a storyteller and a relatioship coach; buidling better relationships from the inside out so we can have more joy, communication and love in our lives. Let's explore! Let's create! . ~ Love, Marie Lukasik Wallace

56 thoughts on “The World Needs – Poetry Collaboration! & 100th Post

  1. Congrats on your 100th Post!!!!!! 🙂 All the best. ~Karen~


  2. Well, good question! I should have explained that. I shall go back in and fix that right now! Just add your contribution under comments and I will place them in the order they come. I will put the name of the contributor at the end of the piece in the same colour as their contribution and the names will be in the same order as well.

    Can’t wait to see your contribution! :0) Marie


  3. Pingback: poetry collaboration: the world needs: earth love | eagles float

  4. Hi 🙂 here’s mine ‘earth love’ –
    thanks for letting me join in 😀


  5. I’ve just thought of a new word for your collection 😀 it’s hoik; it means to somehow get something heavy from one place to another, either by dragging or lifting 😀


  6. The World Needs Belief:

    Teaches my heart that All is Possible,
    All is Ready Standing, Waiting upon my own Acceptance,
    My own Belief, my own Unfettering Faith
    To Set Free the wheels of the universe
    And Create my Heart’s Desire;
    Yet in this dark and weary place,
    Where fear crushes dreams
    And doubt hangs hopes,
    What is Remarkably Possible if often considered improbable,
    And Faith sits down in the shadows, her hands tied.
    The slippery slope of lost Hope
    Dashes Charisma against the rocks and shakes Vigor to the core;
    Compressing Life to only what is seen, felt, heard.
    Lost are the Whispers,
    Lost are the Potent Promises that Move Mountains,
    Lost are the Smiles of Satisfaction and Purpose.
    Still, even in this dark place, where Angels wait, muted by skepticism;
    When all is clouded o’re and dim,
    One Word shall Lift the Indomitable Spirit,
    One Affirmation will Raise the Irrepressible Soul;
    Shattering cynicism, Collapsing disbelief,
    And Building Bridges to the Unimagined.



  7. Morgan and Wren,
    These were all messages I needed today. I appreciate your gifts so much…so thank you. I imagine what the world needs is exactly what the individual needs as well.
    “Waiting upon my own Acceptance” – This really spoke to me today and the “indomitable” spirit and “cute grinning from trees” (or anywhere else) .
    Thanks you two! ~Marie :0)


  8. we don’t always realise how sad we make ourselves, it’s like beating ourselves up when we don’t love and accept ourselves; glad you are feeling happier 🙂


    • You’re right Wren…we can just as easily turn it around…I’m wrestling with some big things I haven’t wrestled with before…so I’m still wrapping my brain around it…(and my heart)….Thanks for the cheer!


      • it always hurts, that’s because we care; in a way it takes courage to let it hurt, and not close off from it; I really do wish you all the best; I know it is very much one day at a time, and there are no easy answers 🙂


  9. Congrats on reaching 100 now keep on going! Robin


    • You got it Robin!
      Would like to send some of your beautiful poetic words our way? It doesn’t have to be today…keep thinking! Maybe it will niggle your brain tonight when you’re sleeping….the world needs more of you!
      :0) Marie


  10. Phoenix..perfect…the only way out is through…Namaste


  11. Hi Marie, congrats on your 100th post. I only have one word that the world needs, RESPECT.


  12. The world needs…

    Less of angry hatred,
    More of souls kindred.

    Less of endless strife,
    More of boundless life.

    Less of senseless war
    More of doors left ajar.

    Less of promises broken
    More of hearts awoken.

    Less of fallen trees
    More of greener glees.

    The world needs …
    Warm hands…
    and warmer hearts
    The world needs
    Broad minds
    and broader thoughts.

    The world needs
    Each one of us.


  13. Pingback: The World Needs…. (A poetry Collaboration) | Ripples N Reflections

  14. Yes, my name is Marie. Nemaste is one of my most favorite words because it goes beyond acceptance of another person. It honors all the beauty and spirit within. (I’m sure even I don’t know it to the depths that you do.) I look forward to learning more about you. I see that you are a doctor. What a noble job. Nice to meet you Aruna. ~Marie :0)


  15. Hi Marie!

    Congratulations on your 100th! Our friend, http://writtenonpavements.wordpress.com/ invited me to participate, and I am thrilled to be able to do so, so I’d like to thank her and I’d like to thank you. Here’s my contribution. I do hope that you like it. I’ve written it in my blog, so if you’d like to see it with some artwork and with a attribute to you, you can view it at: http://blainecindy.com/2014/08/03/the-world-needs/
    but I’ve also copied it here:

    The world needs . . .

    People who see each other with eyes that are unbiased.

    The world needs . . .

    People who listen to each other with hearts that are open.

    The world needs . . .

    People who speak to each other with words that are kind.

    The world needs . . .

    People who embrace each other with arms that are gentle.

    The world needs . . .

    People who are not afraid to hope for a better tomorrow.

    The world needs . . .

    People who can love and be loved in return.

    The world needs . . .

    People who are willing to do all these things TOGETHER.

    Thanks so much, Marie. I really enjoyed doing this. I love writing poetry, so if you do any more of this, in regards to poetry collaboration, please do not hesitate to include me because I’d love to participate. This has been such a wonderful experience for me. and I truly enjoyed it!

    Warmest regards,



  16. Pingback: The World Needs . . . | A Slice of Life

  17. The world needs nothing…. but a soul awakening,
    All we need is bonding and strengthening.

    We need to love each other and spread the message,
    Let’s embrace Humanity and shun the ego baggage.

    We have enough of everything in this world,
    But Alas! Nobody is contented with what earned.

    This is the time to make right choices,
    Serve the needy, join hands and raise voices.

    Reconnect with nature, serve the Nation,
    Say yes to organic and no to imitation.

    Yes to sustainability and no to destruction,
    A promise for integrity and no corruption.

    This world needs to be a better place for you and me,
    Having no place for weapons, all very well for a spree.

    Curb material-driven goals to make life hassle free,
    Where spirit is high and soul will be free!!!


  18. Hello I want to join this beautiful poetry group….contributed my small effort in the above comment box….Hope it serves the purpose.


  19. Pingback: What the World Needs – Poetry Collaboration | writingwingsforyou

  20. Pingback: New Poetry Collaboration – SOULMATES -Join in! | writingwingsforyou

  21. Hi this is my first interaction with a group. I enjoyed thinking about this while I was out walking – here’s what I came up with:

    The World Needs —

    Courage and a cheerful smile,
    Kind hearts that go the extra mile.

    Beauty in the human heart
    Reflected in our work and art

    Vision to prize higher goals,
    Love purity and long lost souls.

    Minds that will meet you more than half,
    A good old-fashioned belly laugh.

    Hope when we hang on the edge of a funnel
    Light at the end of the darkest tunnel

    The helping hand to pull us out,
    Forgive, restore, remove our doubt

    Triumphal music of the spheres
    To melt away the hurtful years

    Courage to conquer Giant Despair
    And reflect God’s goodness everywhere.



  22. Pingback: What the World Needs | writingwingsforyou

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